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Leverage Healthy Activities To Increase Goal Oriented Behavior.

We know that depression depletes our sense of motivation and with it our notion of purpose. As we begin to make traction in recovery, we regain some our energy. If we have not thought out our goals in some fashion, then our periods of motivation are at risk of being lost to points of indecision. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of striking while the iron is hot, and in order to do that, we need a sense of direction before the motivation kicks in.

Overcoming Barriers To Healthy Activities

This post discusses the third set of skills for learning to cope with depression through managing barriers to healthy activities. In the previous post, we discussed the importance of planning new activities ahead of time and finding balance among activities and support. Now that you have learned some techniques for diversifying your approach to activities, it is time we move on to problem solving barriers to accomplishing planned tasks.

Cope Through Healthy Activity

Our mood follows a series of events that are dictated by the choices we make in response to an initial neutral event. It is our interpretations of the event that influence our reactions. We will get deeper into assumptions in a latter post. For now, let’s focus on how we can cope with depression through healthy activities. I want you to consider the list below, and take note that #5 is reserved for a triggering event. #9 is reserved for the best mood, and #1 for the worst.

Exploring the Evidence for Your Thoughts

In this post, we will be going one step beyond thought tracking, and move into thought challenging. Learning to track your thoughts and your mood via use of mood scales, or a related tool, was a preliminary step, because next we will need to write them down and put them in the hot seat (meaning we will seek out facts to either support or negate their claims).

6 Areas of Self-Care

Your physical health is intrinsically tied to your mental health. Diet can mean a lot of things to a lot of people, but I want you to focus on making sure that you are getting the right balance of foods to feed your most essential bodily functions (your liver, kidneys, hearts, brain and lungs). Foods that will help your body maintain healthy blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Just as important, is making sure that you are hydrated. I strongly recommend that you establish a healthy routine to make sure that you are checking the right boxes. If you find that you are unsure of where to start when it comes to eating for your health, than check out my other post dedicated to this topic.

How to Create Healthy Habits

That being said, getting “healthy” is a very ambiguous topic and unless you are careful to really define what that means to you, it is easy to get lost in the sea of semantics. In my therapy sessions, I help others do just that; create healthy habits. Individuals/clients almost always state their reason for seeking counseling as “to get better”, to “be healthy”, be “happy.” But it is very difficult to create a plan around these loose goals, because there is nothing definitive to work from, and defining your health goals is always the first step toward positive change.

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