In this episode of the Mental Health Toolbox, we are talking with Clinical Psychologist Dr. J.J. Kelly, AKA, The Punk Rock Doc, on the importance of learning emotional intelligence skills for improving our self-esteem.
Stop Setting Goals, Do This Instead, With Cody Limbaugh
In this episode of the Mental Health Toolbox, we are taking with personal development and fitness coach, author of Stop Setting Goals, and creator of the Lyceum method, Cody Limbaugh.
Taking The Fear Out Of Immigration, With Attorney Hillary Walsh
In this episode of The Mental Health Toolbox, we are talking with leading immigration attorney, Hillary Walsh.
How To Structure A Mental Health Intake Assessment
In this episode of the video podcast, I’m going to walk you through how I structure mental health intake assessments and also why it’s the first step in the clinical loop. The clinical loop consists of three parts, the intake assessment, the treatment plan and progress notes, and as I walk through this, I’ll try to explain my thought process and how I ask questions why ask the questions but I’ll keep it as quick and simple as possible and you can always ask me to elaborate and I’ll be more than happy to do so in any future videos.