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How Yoga Improves Mental Helath

How Yoga Therapy Improves Mental Health, With Psychotherapist And Yogi, Twyla Gingrich.

In this episode of the Mental Health Toolbox, we discuss how yoga therapy improves mental health, with licensed psychotherapist and yogi, Twyla Gingrich.

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BIO: Twyla Gingrich, L.C.S.W.

Twyla Ginrich is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and owner of Samya Yoga Healing.

She uses a mindfulness-based and relational approach to help others find relief and feel excited about their lives again.

Yoga for better mental health with Twyla Ginrich LCSW.

Twyla Gingrich is a Mental Health and Substance Abuse Counselor (LCSW and LAC in Colorado), a Yoga Teacher (E-RYT-500), a Meditation Facilitator, and yoga student.

Twyla has had a strong desire to help people since she was very young and supporting others with reassurance and empathy comes naturally to her. She has a BA in Psychology, a Masters in Social Work. Twyla is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Licensed Addiction Counselor. She has been working as a mental health professional for over 17 years in different settings, from the wilderness, community mental health, jail setting to schools and private practice in the United States and India.

Twyla was introduced to yoga in college at age 18 and practiced the physical postures on and off for 13 years, always coming back to yoga because she felt more connected to herself, more calm and more centered when practicing regularly. In 2010, when she and her husband moved to Mumbai, India for two years, she met her teacher, Prasad Rangnekar. She has completed two yoga teacher trainings (200 and 300 Hours), a meditation facilitator training (100 Hours) and numerous workshops and retreats with her teacher where Yoga is looked at as a holistic mind-body transformation modality and not just a physical practice. She is forever grateful for her teacher’s dedication to teaching holistic yoga and his unconditional support and encouragement.

Twyla’s practice of yoga has helped her personally in managing mood, anxiety and fear, which has led to feeling more content, confident and calm on a daily basis. She has found that yoga not only helps the body, but is powerful for the transformation of the mind. She has witnessed that bringing her knowledge of yoga to the counseling room creates powerful and lasting change for her clients, more so than traditional psychotherapy. Grab her FREE Guide – “6 Steps to Emotional Mastery.”

She is dedicated to providing opportunities for those she works with to dive deep and root out limiting beliefs and patterns, so each person can become confident in meeting life challenges, feel more loving towards themselves, and find their power to be in control of their life.


Learn More About How Yoga Therapy Improves Mental Health, With Twyla Gingrich, L.C.S.W., E-RYT-500.


-Website: https://samyayogahealing.com

-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/samyayogahealing

-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/samyayogahealing

Watch The Interview

👏 If you liked this episode, be sure to check out my full playlist of interviews here 👉 https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnPL9gahfhWatKmy2YSyU0jt20h_jrj3H

Yoga Mat: Jade Yoga

Top Rated Yoga Mat On Amazon: Jade Yoga

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OUTSIDE THE UNITED STATES: See International Suicide Hotlines

-NAMI Referral Helpline: 1-800-950-6264

-California’s Statewide Mental Health Helpline: 1-855-845-7415

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The Mental Health Toolbox-LLC, is on a mission to raise awareness of effective strategies for increasing quality of life through personal development.
The Mental Health Toolbox-LLC, is on a mission to raise awareness of effective strategies for increasing quality of life through personal development.
Posts created 124

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