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Stop Emotional Isolation With WeTree App.

How Are You Really? Stop Emotional Isolation With This Tool (Wetree)

How are you really?

As a therapist, at the start of a session, I will ask a client how they are doing 3-4 different ways. Why? Because we are socially conditioned to provide a stock response, and I must work actively to bypass that response and cause them to reflect on their week and check-in with their emotional and physical state.

Because of this social conditioning, as well as stigma around mental health, it is easy to feel emotionally isolated.

If you want to learn a new tool to stop emotional isolation, then stick around. Because in this episode of the Mental Health Toolbox, we are talking with Steve Cunningham and Lorenzo Gomez, owners and founders of a new mental health app called WeTree.

As you might have noticed, there have been a lot of mental health apps on the rise to aid us in tracking our moods and practice ways to be more mindful and present. In this episode, Steve and Lorenzo discuss what separates WeTree from other mental health apps by aiming to stop emotional isolation.

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BIO: Steve Cunningham and Lorenzo Gomez: Stopping Emotional Isolation, With The WeTree App..

WeTree is mental health engagement made simple – an online safe space where users are invited to share their inner self and support their inner circle in as little as 60 seconds a day. The app was created in an effort to combat the isolation that often comes with the lie people often tell each other when they say “I’m ok.” Our mission is to normalize mental health by tapping into our greatest natural resource: each other.

The WeTree app allows users to check in with each other through a quick and easy rating system that measures positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning and purpose, accomplishment and health, or PERMAH, on a daily basis, in addition to an open-ended questionnaire that asks what the user was grateful for that day and what they could use help with. The user’s chosen support system of other people engaged on the app are able to view these daily ratings and open-ended responses, allowing them the opportunity to follow up with their inner circle when they can see someone else might be in need of support.

WeTree is unique because it taps into a new category in the mental health space, “mental health engagement.” While using tools like mindfulness and meditation apps, getting counseling or going to therapy is a good place to start, WeTree has created a new category in the mental health app space by creating a sense of community among users.


Learn More About Stopping Emotional Isolation With WeTree


-Website: https://getwetree.com/

-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/getwetree/

-Lin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/getwetree/

Watch The Interview

How Are You Really? Stop Emotional Isolation With This Tool (WeTree)

♦️ 📰 Subscribe to the MHT Newsletter and stay informed when new content is released, and get My FREE TOOLS as my gift to you: http://eepurl.com/dPCwTf How are you really? As a therapist, at the start of a session, I will ask a client how they are doing 3-4 different ways.

If you liked this episode, be sure to check out my full playlist of interviews here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnPL9gahfhWatKmy2YSyU0jt20h_jrj3H

Listen To The Interview

How Are You Really? Stop Emotional Isolation With This Tool (Wetree)

Ep. 64 How are you really? As a therapist, at the start of a session, I will ask a client how they are doing 3-4 different ways. Why? Because we are socially conditioned to provide a stock response, and I must work actively to bypass that response and cause them to reflect on their week and check-in with their emotional and physical state.

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Want to learn more? Check out my top picks for books on self-improvement and recovery HERE!

NEED CRISIS HELP? If you need immediate crisis help with your depression, you can call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 or text “START” to 741-741

OUTSIDE THE UNITED STATES: See International Suicide Hotlines

-NAMI Referral Helpline: 1-800-950-6264

-California’s Statewide Mental Health Helpline: 1-855-845-7415

ASK: If you have a question you’d like me to answer here on the blog (even if you think it’s a silly one!), please use the form on the CONTACT ME page, or the comment section below. I would be happy to take a poke at it and provide a long form answer when appropriate.

SHARE: Also, be sure to share it with a friend, as there is still a lot of work to be done in raising mental health awareness.

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The Mental Health Toolbox-LLC, is on a mission to raise awareness of effective strategies for increasing quality of life through personal development.
The Mental Health Toolbox-LLC, is on a mission to raise awareness of effective strategies for increasing quality of life through personal development.
Posts created 120

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