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6 things resilient people practice

6 Things Resilient People Do

Do you ever wonder why some people succeed in life despite disabilities or circumstance?

Then stick around, because in this episode of the MHT, I’m chatting with Dr. Tavares, child psychiatrist, about six things resilient people practice.

You can learn more about his work at his YouTube Channel: 🎥 Mental Health Secrets with Dr. Tavares.

🎥 If you liked this video, be sure to check out my full playlist of interviews

Key Points:

Research conducted over 20 years by the Frostig Center in Pasadena, California found out that there are traits that predict who are the children who have learning disabilities and will be successful life outcomes

The Success Attributes are:

  • Self-Awareness 
  • Proactivity
  • Perseverance 
  • Goal-Setting 
  • Presence and Use of Support Systems 
  • Emotional Coping Strategies 

Reflective Question

How do these Success Attributes apply to mental health?

Well, there you have it, another tool for you to thrive.

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Now go make good things happen!

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Want to learn more? Check out my top picks for books on self-improvement and recovery HERE!

NEED CRISIS HELP? If you need immediate crisis help with your depression, you can call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 or text “START” to 741-741

OUTSIDE THE UNITED STATES: See International Suicide Hotlines

-NAMI Referral Helpline: 1-800-950-6264

-California’s Statewide Mental Health Helpline: 1-855-845-7415

ASK: If you have a question you’d like me to answer here on the blog (even if you think it’s a silly one!), please use the form on the CONTACT ME page, or the comment section below. I would be happy to take a poke at it and provide a long form answer when appropriate.

SHARE: Also, be sure to share it with a friend, as there is still a lot of work to be done in raising mental health awareness.

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The Mental Health Toolbox-LLC, is on a mission to raise awareness of effective strategies for increasing quality of life through personal development.
The Mental Health Toolbox-LLC, is on a mission to raise awareness of effective strategies for increasing quality of life through personal development.
Posts created 122

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